Sunday, April 24, 2011


So greetings blogger, I have abandoned you for so long. Remember in my last post where I said exams are coming up? Now the exams are OVER.

And I remember, clear as a day, when I told my mom that I truly truly hated my school. That I couldn't wait to graduate. And now that the day has come, I don't know how to feel :/ Relief I guess? And happy too, to some extent. But the sadness hasn't come yet, but I'm sure it will. No matter how much I hated this place, this was my home for two years and a half. And the people in it, well, I've grown to love.


I've finished the national exams. Don't really care about the results as long as I graduate.

I still have the universities test to look forward to. Do pray for me on that one.

I started a vinyl collection, without the turntable. HAHA. It's started by him really, as he gave me three vinyls for my birthday. So now I'm saving money to buy the turntable and have an ear orgasm.

I want to buy a new lens for my camera. It's sad that I've abandoned my photography hobby because of school and discovering lomos. Now I wanna start again, but lenses don't come cheap, do they? So I'm also saving money for that.

I'm going to Singapore, and for the first time, I'm not going to shop there. I've promised myself to sightsee properly, and go to places where I don't usually go when I'm there, like temples, museums, parks, and things like that. This resolution is part of why I wanted to start my photography again, because I really want to capture the beauty of the places I visit.

and last but not least, I am happy.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"And me, I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it’s not some place you can look for, ‘cause it’s not where you go. It’s how you feel for a moment in your life when you’re a part of something, and if you find that moment… it lasts forever…"

-The Beach, (2000)

This, I think, is one of the most intriguing subject in religion. Define Paradise. Heaven. What is it? Is it a place, where we all will meet one day? With the rivers of milk and goddesses and the garden of eden. That everyone who got the chance to go in there sees it the same way? I think most people I know would agree that this is what their definition of Paradise is.

As for me, I think Paradise is a state of mind. People would have their own version of Paradise. For example, I would live in a house full of books, with my beloved, and the smell of tea would waft through the air as the kettle spout bursts of steam. There would be a lot of music, too. And movies. That's paradise to me.

And this is where that quote above correlates with my post. Paradise is a moment in your life-- Now, I don't know if people would agree with me on this one, but you know you've felt it before. That moment in time, where you feel that for this second, everything's perfect. Perfection do exist, though just for a millisecond. Another personal opinion of mine :p

So I think I've felt a scrap of what Paradise feels like. I've been in a moment where I wish time would stand still so I can be in that moment forever. It's a bit upsetting, you know? I looked at the clock and figuratively tried to stop it with my own mind. But that's impossible, and that clock just kept on moving. It's upsetting because you know this moment is for now only and it won't return to you ever again. Ah, who said that the farthest thing from us all was the past? It's a popular quote in my school, and it does hold the truth.

Sorry, this is getting too in-depth and confusing :P The point is, that during this last week, I felt it. I don't necessarily now what 'it' is though.

But you guys get the idea ;)

duile ya dyanie sekarang pake bahasa inggris terus ngeblognya

Monday, January 17, 2011


well would you look at that.

my life is starting to get on the right track, and hopefully I won't lose my way this time. Exams exams exams and more exams coming riiiiight up, and this is it folks. The end of the line. The edge of high school. So excited to leave, yet not quite.

And this year, I will be eighteeeeeeeeeen bitchaz! I feel totally old. I guess I'm fairly legal to look at porn in some countries, eh? and drink alcohol maybe? :P I'm definitely qualified to drive a car, so that's equally cool.

But you know what scares the shit out of me? UNIVERSITIES. Will definitely work my ass off to achieve the best of the best. You have my word ;)

See? it's all good now.

half of it is because of you y'know. Yeah, hello you :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


okay, shitty new layout. Sue me, I'm desperate. Will definitely update with a cooler one B)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Top 10 Things Today's Kids Will Never Experience

1. Camera Film - Gone are the days of hearing the film rewind into its casing, transporting it to a photo lab and patiently waiting to find out how amateurish your snapshots look.

2. Landline Phones - For most young folks, the only way they will own a landline phone is if cell reception is bad at home or if a cable triple-play package is more cost effective.

3. Real Books - More and more people are reading ebooks, with sales of electronic editions besting hardcovers for the first time this summer. The iPad is set to further challenge the physical book’s 600-year reign.

4. Being Lost - The days of asking for directions are done. Smart phones make life so easy. Now countless apps can utilize GPS technology to pinpoint your location and direct you to your desired locale with ease and precision.

5. Music Videos on MTV - The television station once famous for forward-thinking music video shows like 120 Minutes and Alternative Nation — even the early years of Total Request Live — now can largely be summed up in three words: gym, tan, laundry. What happened?

6. Walkmans - Yesteryear’s Walkmans were indispensable, allowing us to take our beloved mix tapes everywhere. But the equipment was overthrown. First came the Discman, then the iPod. A new vocabulary developed—”MP3s,” “iTunes playlists”—and before you could hit pause, words like “rewind” had lost all meaning.

7. The Glory Days of Nick at Nite - Traditionally, Nick at Nite was the place for the classics: The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Munsters and later The Brady Bunch, Happy Days and The Wonder Years and more. That was then. Since, the network has made a switch to contemporary shows like George Lopez, Malcolm in the Middle and Everybody Hates Chris. Classics? I think not.

8. Tan M&Ms - If you were born in or before the 1980s and your parents allowed you to eat candy, chances are good that you encountered tan M&Ms. But for those of you who had your first chocolate experience in the mid-90s, you will probably know the current M&M color line up, which includes the color blue.

9. Czechoslovakia - Oh Czechoslovakia, we hardly knew you. You seem now a faraway land, your name tripping off the tongue. What kid these days will think of your triumphant soccer teams, your famous dissidents? Will they remember a time when an Iron Curtain fell across the West? Will they know what it was like when the battle for democracy was finally won? And will they lament the ethnic nationalism that, in 1993, ultimately cut you in half? No, they won’t. They’ll just visit Prague, pretend to read Milan Kundera, and drink all your cheap beer.

10. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Terminator - Before he was elected Governor of California in 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a long history of being buff, tough and dangerous — at least on screen. The Austrian-born politician started out as a bodybuilder, winning four Mr. Universe titles as well as an amateur title in the contest. He was unforgettable as the Terminator (which of course got him his nickname the Governator).


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

‘But luxury has never appealed to me, I like simple things, books, being alone, or with somebody who understands.’